We decided to spend the day very useful by running as many errands as we could including a few things we were planning a long time ago. To start with the first one: This is a sign at some christian school close by. "God bless exams". But of course he does... I have to laugh every morning we drive past it to work except I always forget to make a photo. Make photo: Check.

The first stop today was the central market for weekly über-fresh groceries. We park above the new bus station which was getting it's sign.

I think even blind people will be able to read this.

Nicole being happy at the market.

At the Central market there is this place, I'm sure I've mentioned it before, where you can buy certain Dutch food items. De Ruyter (chocolate) stuff for example.

Or Bolletje beschuit. Does anybody know how to translate "beschuit" into English please?

And also some other chocolate things. There was more like, ontbijtkoek, speculaas en kaneelstok but I can't photograph everything.

Then it was time to hit the smelly cheese shop where we bought little bits of very nice French cheeses.

On the way out we walked past this old theatre. Central market: Check.

Next stop: Woolworths supermarket. Because like
Kona, we also
needed banana's.

Woolies: Check.

After having dropped all our shopping off at home and a quite bite for lunch we left again. It had started raining by then which made us add a laundry rack to out shopping list.

We went to check out bird cages because we want to give my inlaws' birds better homes. We saw a few nice ones, a bit pricy but we're ready to fork it out to improve their lives. We didn't buy any yet though. Bird cages: Check.

The fourth stop was at
Jaycar where I had a fun driving experience (not!). Thankfully nothing happened but there was potential! More on
Jaycar later. Jaycar: Check.

Fifth stop: Ikea. What can I say? It was Saturday early afternoon. Prime time. People come here for a stroll, to relax, you know. Dickheads. Honestly, Nicole is not the fastest of walkers but we were overtaking people left, right and centre! Unreal!

Around 10 check outs open and still line-ups of 4-10 people. We went here to buy the super brush but also the drying rack for our clothes that I mentioned earlier. They didn't have any drying racks that we liked though. Only retarded and useless models. Ikea: Check.

So we added a sixth stop to our list: Big W. Outside of Big W they have a fries-vending-machine. Unreal. It makes you fresh fries it says. Hot fresh fries even. Too bad I couldn't test it because it was out of order. I would have!

At least we got us a laundry rack. Not one like we had in A'dam though, which was a great one from Blokker. This one will just do. I don't know how but we managed to hang almost two laundries on it... Laundry rack: Check.

At Jaycar I bought a bigger heat sink so my power supply can deal with the heat a bit better.

And here it is, the find of the day: The Ikea brush! I already used it for some big-ass dishes from my meatballs and yeah, it works!
Brush: CHECK!