We enjoyed a nice breakfast at Scoozi's this morning. I had raisin toast and two half muffins with salmon. Hmmmmm.

Since my visit to Melbourne screwed up my eating habits already I had poffertjes as well. These are THE best. The lady was telling us that the city council is thinking of closing the market because it's too expensive. I think that would be a BIG mistake.

I enjoyed the poffertjes very much today.

We walked back to the car through the park.

Because we had no food in the house we drove past Woolworths. There was a beautiful old Holden in the parking lot.

We bought mandarins.

And eggplant.

And paprika (but we got green ones instead).

So after we came home I wanted to do a laundry and found out we were out of washing powder. I went back to Woolworths and got us some more.