We went to Scoozi's in town for breakfast.

Josie looking like a supa star ;-)

And so does my little lovie.
Koen just managed to weasel half his head in to the picture.

The fairies were out and about. They always look like they're on drugs. If I were them, I know I would be.

After breakfast we went to get some poffertjes. I just had to take them there. They were DAMN good.

Koen now knows where to get the best poffertjes in the world. It's for sure that it's not in The NL!

Then it was time for farewells in front of the car rental place. Koen and Josie are driving to Sydney making various stops along the way. If you happen to see them, blow your horn!
It was a most fantastic visit and Nicole and I had a great time. I think Koen and Josie did too. It was wonderful to see Koen again and to meet Josie. Hopefully we'll meet again some day :-)

Back home I took a nap and then I watched some tennis and some women soccer. Sydney vs. Queensland.

Queensland plays in orange.

I must say that I think women's soccer games are more enjoyable than men's. They play more fair and not as rough. It reminds me of what men's soccer games from the 60's look like. Women's soccer ain't bad at all!

Late afternoon I drove myself (alone, for the second time ever :-) to the tennis courts to meet Stephen. It was a warm day and the 4th game needed six deuces to be won only to make it 4-4. It was a little bit exhausting. Our professional photographer Nicole stayed at home so there are no action shots, sorry.