There is an Irish pub close by. They sell Bulmers cider but I -think- it's the English one instead of the Irish one.

Hanging out in Melbourne after breakfast, recharching my phone.

Lots of morning traffic.

Nicole in Melbourne. She was pretty tired.

Nicole picking her nose (not really!) at the German embassy while waiting for forms to be filled out to get her new passport.

We walked from the embassy in to town through the botanical gardens.

There are also lots of European trees that are dropping leaves now.

It was a very pleasant walk.

Then we walked past my future... ;-)

And we walked past this musicall art. Lots of bells playing little melodies.

A ferris wheel.

I think because it was lunch time, there were a LOT of runners walking everywhere.

Over the tracks.

Parliament house.

In the evening we were waiting for Angeli and Ruud, people we only knew through Nicole's blog. They recently immigrated and since we were in town we thought we'd have a bit of dinner together. We waited for them opposite the train station.

It got dark before we found a restaurant.

Marisa, Nicole, Angeli and Ruud. (spot the Dutchie!)

Angeli drinking her first wine in a year's time.

Marisa and Ruud.
It was lovely to meet them and I hope their immigration will be most successful! :-)