Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Out of pictures error

I forgot to make pictures today. I tell you what my day looked like though.

7:15 - Got out of bed
7:20 - Bio break
7:25 - Get dressed
7:30 - Make and eat breakfast and check email
7:45 - Go to work
8:05 - Start computer at work
8:10 - Start working
9:30 - BIG bio break
10:00 - Got a cuppa Joe
11:00 - Bio break
12:30 - Go out and get lunch (Ham+cheese+pesto baguette today)
12:40 - Eat lunch at office
13:00 - Go back to work
13:30 - Bio break
15:30 - Another cuppa Joe
16:30 - Bio break
18:00 - Leave work
18:10 - Got picked up by Nicole
18:30 - Got home
18:31 - Fed the birds
18:45 - Put the birdcage roofs ready for Nicole to paint them
19:00 - Made dinner
19:05 - Ate dinner while watching an episode of Family guy
19:30 - Walked outside to see how the painting was going
19:33 - Bio break
19:35 - Did the dishes
19:50 - Checked out branches for the second bird cage
20:10 - Sat down behind computer and checked email
20:15 - Started blog

Kinda just like in The NL but then 7.5 hours earlier :-)


kees said...

that's a lot of bio breaks. see a doctor about a diabetics test. this is one of the indicators, and doughnuts don't help...

Vincent said...

What? 6 + 1 after I wrote it sounds pretty average to me. Beer and coffee always make me run and I drink a few glasses of water and orange juice. I don't think there's anything wrong with my toilet visits.

kees said...

6+1 average? That's what I thought too, before I was diagnosed with diabetes. Now I'm back to once after waking up, one in the afternoon and once before I go to sleep.

You're doing it twice as much. See a doctor. Now!!


Sneezer said...

the best photo ever!

CRAIG said...

A "Bio Break" that's hilarious!

Vincent said...

@ Kees: I think you need to drink more mate.

@ SW: Thanks! :-)

@ Craig: It's a term I picked up while playing World of Warcraft. When doing a 40 people raid you can't just walk off so we have "bio breaks" in regular intervals.