Friday, December 19, 2008

Work, work, work.

Yeah, at 7:15 already I was waiting for the bus. Nicole couldn't drive me today so I had to go on my own.


And there we go. More waiting inside the bus along the way as the bus was ahead of schedule. Can you believe it?

And then, after ten hours at the office I was waiting again. This time for Nic to pick me up.

We enjoyed a luxurious Mc. Donald's dinner.

Your rainbow is intensely shaded yellow, white, and brown.


What is says about you: You are a deep thinking person. You appreciate quiet moments. People depend on you to make them feel secure. You're good at getting people to like you.

Find the colors of your rainbow at

I followed a link on Kees' blog who followed a link from Marion's blog about a rainbow describing me. This is the result.

In the evening I played one game of poker. The entry fee was $1.20 and you play against eight others. But I won and thus earned a rock-solid $4.50! I think Nicole can start thinking of what colour boat she wants...

Playing online poker requires a lot of patience (amongst other things). There was this Dutch kid tonight. Dutch kids play coz they're bored. Just like the German ones. They play very annoying and go "all-in" very often. I guess they want to show that they have balls. Unfortunately for them you play poker with your brains more :-)

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