Wednesday, January 7, 2009

The weather

Yes, that's 25C for Adelaide. It's been a very good summer sofar. This morning we actually had rain as well. Very good.

I didn't make any photos during the day and was annoying Nicole (the all-knowing blog inspiration) by asking her what to put online.

She told me to take a hike and snap some shots in the garden.

Good advice!


marian said...

we kunnen schaatsen op de straat spekglad van de regen vanmorgen,
lekker weertje daar bij jullie, we zijn jaloers!!

Anonymous said...

Ach welja, een beetje ijs en sneeuw is toch ook leuk? Die zon komt wel weer.

marian said...

Hoi Mic, nee hoor ik heb niet veel met de winter, wacht op de zon!!