Monday, July 20, 2009

Moving offices.

Bye bye old office.

Hello new office! Yes, I'm definitely moving up in the world :-)

Yesterday we gave the birds some broccoli. Cocky-boy doesn't like it but cocky-girl loves it. She doesn't eat it though, she thinks it's better used as a soap. All morning she clutched the broccoli, taking little nibbles and then rubbing it all over her. I think every single feather has been coated with broccoli-soap...

It was a very mild winter day today.

In the evening I made a salad with chicken.


Gledwood said...

Have you any idea why she spreads brocooli all over her? Is she trying to keep the M cockatoo away from her?
Do they share a cage?
Have they had babies yet?... or eggs/etc
cockatoos must be really cheap in Australia. What do you do, just leave the cage open in the garden and wait till a wild one's stupid enough to climb in...??!?

CRAIG said...

When did you get that little laptop!

Vincent said...

@ Gled: i have no idea mate. I'm only observing. It's funny to see though. I guess they know what they are doing. The two birds are in their own seperate cage. They're different species as well so mating wouldn't work I think. And I have no idea how much they cost. I would never buy any animals to be caged my self as i am strongly opposed to caging animals.

Vincent said...

@ Craig: It's an Eee Pc from Asus. It's called a Netbook. it connects to lots of things like wireless etc but it does not have a cd/dvd drive. It's incredibly handy for when you go travelling. The screen resolution is 1024x600 which is very good for such a little screen. And it's powerful enough to work on. I can highly recommend it. Google it if you like: Eee Pc.