Monday, September 14, 2009

So long Cocky-girl...

I brought birthday cake to work. A big fat fruit flan with a lot of cream and custard and fruit. Delicious.

Another day, another fake fire alarm.

Down in to the Woolworths pit of hell during lunch.

There was a guy playing a piano in Rundle mall.

In the next suburb there was a pretty big, REAL fire.

And when we came home... somebody was missing. We found the food-door of cocky-girl's cage open and cocky girl was gone. I am wondering if I forgot to close it...


CRAIG said...

Oh my God it WAS Cocky Girl! She flew the coop!
I knew if I read your journal after Nicole's I'd get the rest of the story.

This is terrible news!

Are you sure you didn't stuff her in a box to send home to Holland

Vincent said...

@ Craig: Just for the record, I don't like caged animals, I'd rather have them free. But it was not my bird to set free and therefore I always made sure I closed everything properly, until yesterday it appears...

Anonymous said...

Oooooooooooh... Cocky weg:-( Ik hoop dat ze het red zo alleen om voedsel te vinden, gelukkig wordt het weer beter voor haar.
En nu is die andere alleen, ook zielig.

Maar in een kooi is ook al zielig naruurlijk. Geen leuke thuiskomst voor Vicky en Toni... Het wordt er niet beter op...

munchie said...

Our cocky flew away a few years ago. Dad went walking around the neighbourhood for hours looking for signs of it. He stopped at a house about a kilometre away and spoke to a woman watering her garden. For some reason he gave her our phone number and the next day that woman rang us to say there was a cocky in her tree saying the same words that ours did. Dad drove around there and sure enough it was our bird! Very weird!

CRAIG said...

Some how I missed the fire trucks earlier---I swear the Fire Dept Employee's Credit Union must be in that's the only thing that could logically explain why they're ALWAYS there