Sunday, November 14, 2010

The security strip.

My little plant farm is doing well. The tall ones I will try to turn in to bonsai.

I have finally (after 5.5 months) mounted the security strips on my door. I did a pretty good job if I may say so. For the full report, click here.

I'm not feeling incredibly well today. My throat is swollen, bit snotty and there's pressure building in my head. I might work from home tomorrow...


Gledwood said...

Are you growing them hydroponically?

Can you grow other stuff as well?

Forget cannabis. Grow me some opium poppies, please. A hectare's worth would be ideal.

Or get me some decent gear PLEASE from Amsterdam. 2kg China White would do perfectly.

Ukh man how do you do it Vincent, how do you ever pass a window without wanting to jump out? No hard drugs either. I really don't get it

Vincent said...

@ Gled: I like to face my problems mate. Granted, I've never had one like yours, but still. Even when I feel shit I know life has good things to offer in large quantities as well. If not now, than some other time.