Saturday, February 18, 2012

The whiskies

During my shopping round this morning I discovered gutted houses. Interesting sites for me!

Fascinating spaces like this. You don't get to seem in this state often.

Late afternoon I took the tram to the station. This little boy or girl was sitting next to me, very cute. It was only later that I found out there was another little black doggie traveling with this one :-)

First time I saw these at the escalators in the station... They tell people to stand still on the right so that people in a hurry can pass on the left.

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This is the big church in Alkmaar, where I went with Mic and Marjolein and 2 friends of her. There was a big whisky (tasting) festival going on...

This bagpiper sometimes stands on Dam square in Amsterdam.

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And then there was whisky. I don't think I've ever seen so much whisky ever before in my life.

Marjolein said hi to someone she knows on facebook, which was cool.

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I'm not a big fan of whisky. At the moment I want to give it a fair go and see if I can develop a taste for it but it's tough on my taste buds. Still, from a curiousity point of view I thought it was a very cool experience and I did get a reasonable good sense of what kinds are available:
- Kinds that burn off my taste buds within 1 second
- Kinds that burn off my taste buds within 5 seconds

Nah, seriously, I'm more for the "softer" ones where Marjolein loves the heavier stuff like the peaty whiskies.

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There were also other things to admire than whisky. Like this gigantic church organ. There is one exactly like it in the big church in Haarlem.

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Mic and Marjolein. Yeah, certain individuals got quite giggly after god knows how many whiskies tastings ;-)

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Me and my sunshine, Marjolein :-)


Gianna said...

I wish they would install those 'give way to pedestrians' signs here. Lord knows people here need to be told to get out of the way instead of having their heads in the clouds and forgetting that some of us have a lunch time limit.

marian said...

Heb heel wat gemist in de Grote kerk, ga een volgende keer mee!!

Vincent said...

@ Gianna: I like them! Not sure how effective they are though...

@ Ma: Ja, het is echt wel de moeite waard hoor. Je hebt nog NOOIT in je leven zo veel whiskies gezien. Kost 35 euro maar je krijgt bijna volle glazen joh! Je kan proeven hoe veel je wil. Alleen voor echte dure whiskies moet je bijbetalen. Maar veel van de betere whiskies waren zelfs gratis te proeven!