Monday, April 28, 2014

Visiting Verona / Casa di Giulietta

It started raining last night which is a bit crap. But that doesn't stop us! So Simone, her kids, mom and I got in the car and drove to Verona to see the arena and walk around a bit.
We found the arena alright.

Except that inside water was coming down just as much as it was outside. The whole place was a bit of a downer to be honest. You couldn't "feel" any of the history. There were stupid (toilet) signs everywhere and inside the actual arena they had put little fold-out seats everywhere and a mother of a stage. Fair enough, it's used as an opera theatre nowadays but still... Too bad.

And then it was lunch time which meant PIZZA!

It rained all bloody day. At some point a hundred umbrellas passed us...

We visited Casa di Giulietta which is the house where Shakespeare's Juliet is believed to have lived. And that balcony is where Romeo serenaded Juliet. And Simone and I went up there and...

You gotta get up there for a kissie! :-)

This is supposed to be Juliet's living quarters.

Roof view from the house.


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