Thursday, October 26, 2017

The new work computer

So yesterday at the restaurant they had these glasses on the tables. I liked them so much that I bought 2 of them. They'd make great whisky glasses I think, maybe I should try that tonight! ;-)

At my work I got a new computer. The small one is replacing the BIG one. Unreal! It's got 32GB of RAM, 1TB of SSD storage and a 3.7GHz i7 CPU. This thing is fast!

Unfortunately during the morning I had several weird crashes. Usually when a computer has random crashes it's got something to do with the RAM chips so after lunch I had them swapped out for new ones which solved all the problems. I'm looking forward to work with this little great machine :-)

On the side I'm also going to try and develop without a Delphi IDE. It's too old and not supported anymore and the whole world has moved on to Visual Studio and C#. I've been doing C# for many, many years now but a good chunk has always been Delphi development but that will come to an end soon, which is OK.

I was just as tired as Silver but I didn't have a nice basket to lie down in like he did...

He however, didn't have this lovely whisky from this wonderful new glass! HA!

He couldn't watch me drink my whisky ;-)

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