Saturday, February 14, 2009


10:10. I get to work. Nicole dropped me off.

My view for the rest of what was going to be a looooong day. About twice as long as I thought it would.

Around 13:00 I had lunch.

Daal and a samosa. They didn't have any orange juice today.

My colleague Melvin got these flowers from his newly wed wife. He came to pick them up today.

The project I'm working on with 3 other colleagues has been a rough, slow and frustrating ride so far. On Monday we planned a beta period to start at the client. I have to say though that due to the efforts of the team we haven't missed any deadlines yet and that is pretty uncommon. We do put in some massive overtime though. But we deliver on time which is something we can be proud of.

The last bits of configuration were extremely painful. Around 21:30 I thought I could go home soon.

I left close to 22:30. A twelve hour working day, on a weekend. I can hardly believe it myself.

I waited outside for Nicole to pick me up again.

We went to Vili's for some food and now I'm going to bed.

Good night.


marian said...

goedemorgen,lekker geslapen, het was een lange dag zeg, ontspan maar een beetje vandaag.
gr ma.

Friðvin said...

Ahh, that shirt again. LOVE it!

Vincent said...

@ kona: The company that sells them is about to quit (too many death threats - no kidding) so if you want one you better hurry to (url may not be correct but google will help you)

Anonymous said...

Zo, das en lange dag! Maar wat je zegt; als jullie alles op tijd af hebben, ben je blij dat jullie zo hard gewerkt hebben.

Fijne zondag!

CRAIG said...

That's a DAVID T-SHIRT from Nicole's work! Well it looks like something he'd wear

Vincent said...

@ Craig: That's correct. We shop at the same place hehe