Saturday, July 18, 2009

Yeah, definitely broken

Yep, my iMac's harddisk is really, definitely broken. We brought it back to the shop this morning. Should take 7 days max the guy said. I'd like to see that he's right but I cannot imagine they can fix it that fast.

Then it was off to the shops. I hadn't been in a car seat for 2 weeks, bit exciting.

Plenty of other people using their car seats today...

Friday, July 17, 2009

The hair cut

My hair was just getting ridiculously long. It was just insane. It started taking really long to dry etc ;-P So it was time for a trim!



Thursday, July 16, 2009


Last night my big computer broke down. I think it's the hard disk and it will go back to the shop this Saturday. I think it will be under warranty as I bought an Apple care pack when I bought it. It started showing symptomms of impending doom so thankfully the very last action that I successfully completed was a backup. I may still have lost my address book and my bookmarks though. Not happy.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

The butter chicken

I scored!

Butter chicken for lunch. Actually very nice.

The birds surviving the cold. Although cocky-boy seems to be a bit shaky...

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The hail storm

Good morning.

During the night we had two hail storms. During the first one, at 12:30, I was outside climbing a bloody ladder in the pissing rain to check the gutter (behind the bird cages) because we had a leak above our kitchen. The noise of the hail coming down on our tin roof was frightening, seriously. The gutter was clean, it must've been blocked with hail.

Late afternoon I went for a walk around the block. I needed a bit of exercise badly.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Not very mobile

I was at home, in bed all day, recovering. I think I've seen the most significant progress sofar, which made me happy.

I worked from home for 4 hours, that was a nice distraction.

No photos today though, sorry.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

The drag

Late morning I needed a bit of a walk. What better destination is there than the bakery? :-)

I took my last prescribed painkiller. I don't know why since they don't do anything for me anyway.

I watched drag racing on the TV for about 20 minutes.

There was nothing better.

It's OK coz I like sseeing special cars.