Saturday, May 11, 2013

The Arwen edition

Now I can make more holes in my belt again! :-)

Marjolein and I went to Ruud and Laurien for a few games of Trivial pursuit. This is their dog, Arwen.

It's a cutie :-)

My very first question tonight was about the movie I watched last night, yes sir. "Who directed "Basic Instinct"?

Friday, May 10, 2013

R.I.P. Wentel

Chilling on the bus to work.

Waiting for the ferry.

On the ferry.

A colleague of mine sometimes goes to France and brings back a load of (real!) champagne. Very nice champagne too :-)

After work I went to the pub.

I drank a pint for Wentel, Inge's dog who died today. The whole thing kept me pretty sad all day actually. Must've been absolutely shite for Inge and her boy... I feel very sad for them :-(

Gerrit came to the pub as well and we had dinner at Waga's.

Walking home along the beautiful canals of Amsterdam.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Now that's a hole!

I really need to fix the hole in my bathroom ceiling. It's a bit of a shitty hole to fill so first I'm gonna make a better hole ;-)

Simultaneously I was baking another chocolate-caramel pie!

Now that's a nice open ceiling to work with!

At the end of the afternoon Eva came over. We hit a terrace around the corner first and then we went to my place and I baked us pancakes. They were rather delicious if I may say so myself thank you very much! ;-)

Wednesday, May 8, 2013


Woops, forgot to take any pics again... Sorry!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Thinking of Wentel

I hope the sun will always shine for a doggy that is about to pass over...

That's a 12 story floating apartment building you know...

Monday, May 6, 2013

Checking the 'stang

I like going for a quick walk while eating my lunch. It's getting pretty sunny these days. Nice. I usually hang around near the water for 5 minutes. Clear my mind a bit.

In the evening I drove to Purmerend. I was meeting a girl I know from the Ford forum and her boyfriend.

He has a tiny garage and offered to lift my Mustang so we could examine the bottom. The car appeared to be in a very good shape. Nothing had been welded and all important parts had no rust. Actually there was hardly any rust.
I'm not thinking about removing the LPG setup. It likes petrol better and the car will look better and weigh a little less and become less complicated to maintain.

I saw the sun set when I drove home. Shouldn't take pictures while driving coz after this I found myself a bit off track ;-)

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Spinvis in the Vondelpark

Today I went to see an artist called "Spinvis". He's Dutch. And he had a band. Spinvis is the guy in the purple suit.

And this piece of loveliness is called Saartje van Camp. I'd have asked her to marry me if she wasn't about to pop out a little one ;-)

The drummer made great facial expressions.

The concert was kinda intimate due to its location. Weather was awesome, loads of sun.

Spinvis. I really dig his music man...

It was nice in the park.

Marjolein and I. Very nice picture actually. Very happy to have managed to return to be great friends with her :-)