Saturday, January 10, 2009

Day three of the Koen and Josie show.

Our car got a service today. Early morning coz we had to be on the road again soon!

While our car was getting a Formula 1 service, we were having breakfast.

Koen played with Mason a bit.

Around noon we left to the Uleybury winery where we had a fantastic lunch.

They make nice wines at Uleybury, and it's proven by the gazillion awards they have hanging on the wall.

Afterwards we had a little stroll through the vineyard.

The grape vines.

The fields.

Koen acting spastic and Josie and Nicole.

Some goats.

More fields.

The path past the vineyard.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Day two of the Koen & Josie show!

In the morning we drove in to town. We went to Colonel Light's view where he supposedly went to plan the city.

Then we went to see a church.

Every bench had a symbol on it. I guess this was the Irish bench.

View towards the altar.

Then we walked next to the river. We saw pelicans.

In town they were taking the CHRISTmas tree apart. See you next year, CHRISTmas tree.

Then we were thirsty and we drove in to the hills. There was some construction going on.

Josie had some chocolate drink with chocolate gelati in it and frozen chocolate on the glass (on the inside).

When we came home we fed the dovies.

I took this photo of Nicole but something fucked up and made it look like this. I love the effect.

This is what it should have looked like.

From right to left we see Nicole, Josie and Koen staring at... something.

When we left home we could see the moon. It looks darker than it really is.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

The first visitors from The NL!

I had my half yearly dental check-up this morning at 8:30. Nicole dropped me off on the way to work so I was a bit early and I waited outside, watching people pass me by.

My dentist still gives you a fluoride treatment. In The NL they stop doing that when you are about ten years old.

When I came home I saw the doves in our garden were exploring with their parents.

Here are the little rascals.

Mom feeding the little ones. Yes, feeding them both at the same time.

Later on some more feeding in the tree.

And a bit more exploring in our garden.

In between, two repair guys came by to fix our brand new cross trainer. It was a super easy fix but I didn't wanna do it myself due to warranty constraints.

I caught up with Gav and Mason when they left.

In the afternoon I drove to the airport with Tony to pickup our visitors Koen and Josie. I know Koen from years ago when I still sang in the choir. (Yes, I realise the choir news may shock you but it's for real, and I was NOT bad ;-P )

We had dinner in town and went to Largs Jetty for coffee and sunset.

And a sunset we had.

We drove home through town.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

The weather

Yes, that's 25C for Adelaide. It's been a very good summer sofar. This morning we actually had rain as well. Very good.

I didn't make any photos during the day and was annoying Nicole (the all-knowing blog inspiration) by asking her what to put online.

She told me to take a hike and snap some shots in the garden.

Good advice!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

What goes up...

... must come down. Even CHRISTmas trees. Anybody who has ever put lights in to a tree and had to take them out again knows how annoying it is when all your lights are twisted and entangled.

There were three guys taking the lights out of the tree today. They were half way around one o'clock. Imagine...

My mom yesterday told me that last night it was going to be -16C in The NL. Now THAT is cold... It's a bit warmer here thankfully.

Monday, January 5, 2009

The first coffee

Nicole driving off after she dropped me off. No, she is not speeding.

I finally was able to use the coffee machine I bought for work. I still have to figure out how to make a nice coffee. The first batch was too weak and the second too strong. One of my colleagues made a cup that he liked a lot he said...

Walking to PJ's after work.

Nicole arriving at the PJ terrace.

We had bird shit on our car. You need to remove bird shit fast coz it can stain badly. So we took the car through the car wash on our way home.

We received quite a few CHRISTmas cards this time around.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Tennis in 2009

I had this photo taken for my ex colleagues, in particular my old bosses. Everybody from Furore will recognise this hat. The hat kept my head nice and not too hot. It's good for tennis.

Yours truly hitting a rock hard serve that was way out.

My worthy opponent of today, Stephen.