Saturday, August 30, 2014

The IKEA visit

Simone and I went to IKEA for a few small things. I wanted to take a photo of these mirrors and these dicks didn't mind stopping right in front of the camera to discuss the meaning of life or whatsoever! So here they are. And I'm in there somewhere, too ;-)

Back at Simone's ranch we hung up two cupboards. It went very well.

And then we put on the doors. It was Simone's idea to put 4 doors in and I have to say, I like it a lot!

Friday, August 29, 2014

Seeya tomorrow!

I'm really trying not to make a habbit of this but I didn't take any photos *again*... It's probably that my life is changing now that I have Simone and her kids and I'm spending a lot of time with them. So I guess that is a good enough reason ;-)

Seeya tomorrow!

Thursday, August 28, 2014

No personal space...

So I went to the ferry after work. With eight minutes to spare I decide to get me some awesome icecream. There's 2 guys ahead of me, one ordering... whatever takes long. Then the other one orders a feckin' milkshake. In English. Shop woman no speaky Engelish very well. Then she gets it and with 3 minutes left she start making the shake. While it's shaking she could fix me my icecream but no, she decided to fuck off to the back to fuck around with her fucking phone! And there comes my ferry and I had to leave without awesome icecream.
Then I get on the ferry and sit down on too little chairs and some tosser in a dripping wet raincoat plonks down next to me and well... I'm not gonna have his wetness all over my leather jacket so I got up to stand somewhere in a corner. Far away from people.
But then, some stupid girl comes to stand right in fucking front of me! About 5cm away from my phone. So I snapped her picture and voila, here she is. LEARN ABOUT PERSONAL SPACE YOU TWAT!

Well, that's out of the way.

G'day now.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

The early sun

Early morning sun today.


Tuesday, August 26, 2014

The Bijlmer pen

I had to go to school today. Not as a student thankfully ;-) I recently tried to guide a student through his graduation assignment that he did with us. Today was D-day for him and a bit of a relaxed afternoon for me ;-) So there I was travelling on the subway, getting off at Spaklerweg.

The walk to school went past the Bijlmer prison. I'm never in the area so I made a couple of shots.

I like this one a lot.

Also today I received my new public transport card. It became instantly clear to me that my head had shrunk... In a good way :-)

I opened the whisky I got from Gerrit last year. Lovely flavour.

Monday, August 25, 2014

The cupboard.

At Simone's I helped putting Larissa's new cupboard together.

Also Simone cooked a very nice nasi-style dinner but she used finely crumbled cauliflower instead of rice. Lovely!

Sunday, August 24, 2014

The trolley

I travelled back to my place early this morning. Town was very quiet and sunny.

Then I went to my car to put together the new tools-trolley I bought.
