Saturday, March 12, 2016

Too hard...

Today I tried fixing an issue with the EGR in my Corsa. I knew beforehand that it was going to be hard, even for seasoned mechanics.

And yes, it was too hard. I couldn't get behind the EGR without risking not to be able to put it all back together again. So I gave up and need to think about what next...

Friday, March 11, 2016

The welding

There was a bit of crane action right next door at work. I wouldn't want to be the guy sitting at the top...

In the evening I met Mic in Mulligans. We had Guinness, dinner, a movie and then more Guinness.
At the pub two bands were playing, the first one was very young...

Around 1:15 Mic and I walked home. Some dudes were welding the tram tracks.

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

My new living room

I have shuffled my furniture to make my living room decent again. I think I can live with this...

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

No pictures...

No pictures today coz I forgot. I could've made another trunk photo coz I went to my Mustang again to check if everything dried OK, but that would get a bit boring...

Monday, March 7, 2016

Bye bye couch...

First things first. I was in a fight with a big-ass chicken even before I got up.

I left work early to have a potential buyer look at my couch. They came, they liked it, they bought it and they took it.

... leaving a big empty spot...

Then I went to my car while it was still light outside and put on the trunk splatter paint, finally!

It looks nice.

Zwanenburg / Halfweg at dusk.

Sunday, March 6, 2016

The rust encapsulation

Today I put two layers of rust encapsulating paint in my trunk. First I put some newspaper in place.

When this is dry, rust should not grow any further due to a lack of air, and I will give it a finishing paint tomorrow evening.