Walking to work I saw the canal had frozen over. Yep, it's cold!
While at work it started snowing. Quite hard as well. It put certain parts of the country to a stand still.
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My colleague Bjorn brought his dog Boots to work today. Boots is cool. And he's a good boy. It's very hard to get him to pose though but eventually he sat down, huffing and puffing through his little nose.
At the end of the day only 1 mini-bus was available so I let women and children go first... I had to walk through the (at some parts wet and muddy) snow with my sneakers.
I was meeting Marjolein at the station but the snow had also fucked up railroad traffic and she was 40 minutes late.
It was a nuthouse and by the time she arrived my feet were partly wet and freezing.
After a quick bite at my place we went to a concert by the English band Bellowhead.
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Their opening act were the Secret Sisters. Their voices blew me away! I bought their cd right away. It's a pity we got in so late that we missed two thirds of their concert...
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Bellowhead is a big band. Eleven members on stage. Their music was not like anything I had heard before really. This is one side of the stage...
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... and that's the other side. Very lively, energetic band. Bit odd that we were all seated...