Saturday, January 14, 2012

The blinds

This is my "street". It's a canal! And a nice one too :-) I live somewhere on the left, can't see my house.

I had no real plans today, only thing I really always *need* to do on Saturday is water my plants, which I usually do soon after I get up. I thought I'd maintain my garden a little bit but instead ended up at nic's shop where I wanted to deliver my old laptop. But since I was there I thought I fix some more things instead of next week.

So I put up this blackboard.

And some blinds.

I can't wait for the shop to open on Thursday. I wanna be the first customer and I think I want the classic combination of a cappuccino and chocolate cake :-)

Friday, January 13, 2012

Meat balls!

This is my 8 year old laptop. It's rather a useless object just good enough for gathering dust unless... you are about to open a shop and just need it for streaming music and web browsing! So I have re-installed it and will give it to Nicole.

I felt like cooking so I made meat balls. They were actually very nice. I really should buy some apple sauce. God I love meat balls with apple sauce :-)

I also steamed some green beans. Very nice. I'm so glad I found out about steaming veggies.

And to not make it all toooo healthy I added over fries.

Bon apetit!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

The counter part II, shelves, frames and a fire extinguisher.

You wouldn't say so but I do actually have a full-time job as a software engineer that occupies me for over 8 hours a day ;-)

So in the evening I went to Nicole's shop again to finish a few more things. Starting with stabilizing the counter and putting 1 shelf in it.

Then some shelves in the little kitchen.

And some frames on the wall.

And finally the fire extinguisher.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

The counter.

I worked on a counter for Nic's shop.

It went very well but now I'm a bit knackered. Good thing I have next week off :-) The counter is not 100% finished yet by the way. The corner will get a bit of corner profile on it and the side of the top will be glued on as well. Oh and it also needs shelves on the inside.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012


The "ship-art" has been restored to it's former glory. Now they can put it back so the hooligans can tip it over again...

This one's for my mate mic - hehe.

The HEMA office.

(Click to enlarge)
When walking Marjolein to the tram stop I spotted this "person" standing on the sidewalk.

(Click to enlarge)
It turned out to be the charging pole for electric cars!

Monday, January 9, 2012

Happy birthday mom!

I went to the DIY store with Nicole today to buy wood for the counter. I'm having big bits cut at the shop. Should all be delivered on Wednesday so hopefully I can put it together Wednesday night. Gonna be a nice little DIY project!

Also today is my moms birthday. Happy birthday mom!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

I went to Alkmaar *again*

In the supermarket this morning, I found 5!!! packets of cake mix that were well past their due-date. I took them to one of the 8 year old employees who managed to stutter an "Oh my gawd" to her 9 year old colleague behind the counter...

I spotted this little fella holding on to one of my plants. I dunno if it's eating. I don't even know if it's still alive!

In the afternoon I visited my family. Tomorrow is my mom's birthday.

My mom and Ilse.

My dad and Cassie.