Saturday, March 1, 2014

LPG removal: Complete!


I went to my car. This is Halfweg's old church. I think it's going to be demolished.

I pulled out the final remaining bits of my LPG installation.

I removed the 2 T-splitters in the coolant hoses going to the vaporiser unit and I replaced them with normal connectors. All closed again! Me happy :-)

And in the evening I went over to Simone and her kids to eat pancakes. It was fun :-) I taught her little boy to flip pancakes. I think he liked it a lot.

Friday, February 28, 2014

After dinner drinks

After work Ira and I went to the IJ-kantine for work-organised drinks. Paul was already there waiting. It got very busy soon and I left at 21:00. Lots of beer, no dinner. This should be fun... I had a very nice time though!

Thursday, February 27, 2014

The connectors

I bought these two connectors for the coolant hose in my car yesterday. Hopefully can install them Saturday.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Super lasagna :-)

Work is nuts. I had so much to do that this week I have 3 people helping me to get things done.

Late afternoon Simone asked me if I felt like eating lasagna that she was cooking for dinner with her and the kids. I sure did and the lasagna was delicious :-)

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

I found Nemo!

Skies turned grey as I was going home.

I met Eva for dinner tonight. She was very happy coz she's going on vacation soon. I need vacation as well.

We had dinner at I trulli. Just before we left we checked out their tropical aquarium. Nemo was hiding ;-)

Monday, February 24, 2014

Jail house rock

The 2 Ocean Diva ships had gone and were replaced with two floating jail houses that are for sale. Yeah. I can see people lining up for those... not.

On my way home I went to get pizza and chicken nuggets. I like my local pizza joint. They make decent pizza and the guys know what I want to order, handy.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

The dinner

Good morning. Looks like one of the new neighbours has been trying out their balcony and needs to get educated on social behaviour. There were just as many in my downstairs neighbour's yard... Fucking anti-social pigs.

Late arvo I walked in to town to meet some friends for dinner. I noticed the little house in the middle. It's an odd set of houses.

Guinness was good for me :-)

And so was the cottage pie!

Remy, Martijn and Mara. Patricia refused to be photographed. Must be a women thing...
We had a nice dinner and had ice cream for dessert and then one more drink somewhere else.