Saturday, January 12, 2013

My first graphic novel :-)

I went to a comic book store close by. Had been curious for a long time. I was blown away by the sheer amount of comics and graphic novels they had in there! The novels intrigue me so I wasn't gonna leave empty handed ;-) I bought this one. Story sounds alright, very curious to find out how much I like it :-)

On the way home I stopped by Nicole's shop Cake Loves Coffee for a treat. She gave me this Chocolate brownie truffle to taste. Very nice!

Friday, January 11, 2013

Laughin' and drinkin'

Sun set on my way home after work.

I met Marjolein, Gerrit and Jon in Mulligans. We drank and we laughed. It was a good night :-)

The band wasn't too bad either.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

The nothing

On my way to work. Had a good but uneventful day.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Happy birthday mom!

So at my work we have this contest for who has the nicest Christmas T R E E in the office, right? It's about a tree, let that be clear. Knowing the crap that's been winning the last couple of year I predicted the winning "trees" 100% correct!

The ugliest one, the shelves with the blue folders, won 1st prize. Can't believe it! It looks shit, takes about 1% effort to make and it looks shit. oh, I already said that. Well, I'll say it again just to be sure. It looks shit!

I actually do like the balloons a lot but it's not a tree and has no Christmas feeling about it whatsoever. 2nd prize for sure. Pity it wasn't any uglier and put together with less effort otherwise they'd have surely won 1st prize! You just can't beat boring grey shelves with shit ugly blue folders in it i guess.

And then the post-its. They already won last year with a much smaller display. I think the effort factor once more. It shoulda been much smaller, 100 post-its tops! And not so much colour. You know, we don't like colours, especially not around Christmas, damnit!

I think next year I'm gonna send in a photo of a giant steaming Christmas tree-shaped turd. That should be a sure winner!

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Cake lunch

I worked from home today after a visit to the doctor. Advantage is that I can have "lunch" at Cake Loves Coffee ;-)

I noticed a lot of Christmas trees being thrown out.

Takes them years to grow for 2 weeks of fun and then they're trashed.

Went to Mic for dinner and squash. Was nice seeing them again :-)

Monday, January 7, 2013


I crosstrained. And then I ate salad. Today was good at work. Lots of people want to attend the yearly ChipSoft squash tournament I'm organising. And I discovered something technical that might make me very happy soon!

Sunday, January 6, 2013


I did a lot of little things today. mainly household chores. In between I looked for ideas of what I could do with my car in the future. This looks VERY interesting ;-)

I also cleaned my indoor plants.