Saturday, December 11, 2010

To IKEA with Danny and Gerrit

I met with Danny and Gerrit in front of a flower shop at the station.

Because we missed our train by about 5 seconds we had 30 minutes for coffee, which was actually nice.

My IKEA loot du jour. Some glasses, a bowl, shelves and bed linnen mainly. You always come back with more than you planned somehow ;-)

Friday, December 10, 2010

Another lottery ticket!

(Click to enlarge)
Sampson was swinging its big crane about.

Colleagues put up the Christmas decorations in our office. We also have Christmas music.

Here's a little movie showing my office.

I tried another code again today...

... and I won! I won another lottery ticket :-)

In the evening I played magic the gathering with colleagues at work. I actually won a few games. It was fun.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Dinner with Martje.

This is my work phone and its ringtone that I set. Dutch people my age might recognize it ;-)

After work I met Martje in Mulligans and then we went for a bite at Rembrandtplein. It was very nice seeing her again, it's been ages.

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On the way home I spotted this window full of naked girls. They were made of plastic but nevertheless made an awesome picture i think.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The seminar.

(Click to enlarge)
I visited a seminar for work today. It was about PACS (Picture Archiving and Communication System) and e-Radiology. You know, coz I work on the Radiology module at ChipSoft. This is my colleague Ernst Jan at our booth. He seemed quite happy doing what he did today. I think he loves doing it.

The place was full of radiologists and other people somehow having to do with things like this.

Not everybody managed to stay awake... Like the guy in front of me!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Got a microwave.

I had the day off. Mainly to play WoW but i also went out to buy a microwave oven. The canals are frozen.

This old Beetle has been painted by a famous Dutch tattoo artists called Schiffmacher.

Another frozen canal.

This is the microwave I got. I like it so far.

I like this even more. It has recipes in it and explains exactly how to use this microwave for each recipe.

Monday, December 6, 2010

I got a new pump already!

The central heating repair guy showed up around 11:30 and was actually able to fix me a new pump! Now my house is warm again :-)

I rode a sea turtle.

The main event of the day was at midnight. The new World of Warcraft expansion "Cataclysm" went live at 12:01AM. It introduces the ability to fly in the old lands finally and people were very eager to get it.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

The meatballs

A little mouse lives under the backdoor at my folks. It left a trail in the snow.

Lots of birds come to eat.

My dad's natural habitat, including his AZ shrine.

I got the train back around noon.

When I came home I got a wonderful surprise. The central heating pump has a short and keeps blowing the fuse. So my house if pretty damn cold right now. I got someone coming around tomorrow but I'm not expecting them to be able to fix it right away.

I went over to Nicole who kindly offered me meatballs and sauerkraut.

The meatballs were made in a somewhat un-orthodox manner but they tasted great!