Saturday, March 8, 2008

The World final Bowls

On TV we saw the world final lawn bowls today: Australia VS South Africa.

This girl was 3rd bowler in the Australian team. She's only 17 years old! So there goes the image of lawn bowlers being old gitz! ;-)

This is the SA skipper (captain) and she was REALLY good!

The Aussie skipper bowling.

I want a set of yellow bowls now...

Back at our ranch my little bonsai was having a hard time staying healthy in the sun. It doesn't like the sun right now, leaves are being scorched so we took it inside now.

Finally I would like to point to the following sickening article. I wonder what's next in Britain. They may require a urine sample or maybe a DNS swab to keep on file because, well, you just never know you know. YOU MIGHT BE A TERRORIST, AND BRITAIN IS SCARED OF YOU!

Friday, March 7, 2008

Only in The NL...

35C doesn't make Mason's focus on the ball any less. The ball is his life, or maybe his god even...

I travel half the world not to be confronted with Dutch cnutasaurs oh high heels and what does the bloody news here show?

The "naaldhakken" (stiletto heel) race in Amsterdam. I almost died seeing all that misery. I just managed to make these 2 photo's. For this event I shall create a new label. Guess which one it is.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

The funnelweb

Walking Mason the pason again. He likes walking through plants...

In Adelaide lots of wires are on poles. Phone lines, electricity and what not. I still have to get used to that image.

Along the way there was a tree with a couple of funnelweb spiders in it. Their holes don't look too inviting, do they?

I had another interview today. It was late in the afternoon and we had to go to play lawn bowls right after so we needed a quick bite. We went to the McD where I had a fantastic plain cheese burger.

here yours truly is doing a few practice bowls before the team arrives.

Some of mine and some of the other team. Can't be bothered explaining who's in which team, sorry. Oh, hold on, people holding a bottle are NOT in my team. yeah. Anyway, we all seem to be fascinated by something...

Here's my team mate Tony during the lottery draw after the bowls session.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

It's a dogs life...

Mason sniffing a tree.

Mason sniffing a plant.

The tree waiting for Mason.

Mason waiting to get into the park.

Mason waiting at the curb.

Me waiting for Mason.

Mason lying next to me under our desk.

Mason lying in between Nic and I, under our desk. (We let him inside coz it was bloody hot and he was all alone outside)

While he was lying in between us we noticed he was developing a strong fragrance so we gave him a bath.

Especially the top of his head needed a good scrub ;-)

And then I was hungry.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

More work?

Today I had one proper interview in the morning followed by 2 talks with recruiters. The morning interview went well I think. I had to do an unexpected test but it wasn't very hard. Just general SQL and Delphi questions. The recruiters are more than likely going to hook me up for two more real interviews, hopefully asap so we can make some decisions by the end of next week perhaps.

Tennis time again. This is how Karin sees the court.

Karin beat me by 6-4 today. We had a few very decent rallies but it was a very exhausting match, the 35C outside didn't help much. I made so many unforced errors it made me think I need proper glasses...

Monday, March 3, 2008

The clouds

Only pictures of walking Mason today. It was one of those dirty hot days. The kind that makes you sweat for nothing.

Along the way people have this house build for them. They've been working on it pretty much since we arrived here.

Believe it or not but there was a cloud! You may have to move your head a bit to see it...

I tried to make Mason pose for a shot but he was like "C'mon already, it's hot". He had a point...

Late afternoon some more clouds came in. Not that it became much cooler. It's going to be a hot week.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

The Summertown visit

Today we drove up into the hills to do a first check upon a little town where we might want to live.

We drove a bit of a scenic route to get there...

... so it took a bit longer.

Driving through the hills can be beautiful.

And finally we arrived in... Summertown. More specific, we ended up at Aunty Bets' where we had a very nice lunch. I explained them that Bets is a Dutch name but they didn't know if anything Dutch had been going on at this place before.

Nicole hiding in a summertown-tree ;-)

View of the main street. On the left is the gas station/supermarket/post office/video store/news agent. It's a very cute little town and their tennis club is looking for members!!! It must be destiny!

On the way home we stopped and the Mount Lofty look out point.

You have a sensational view over Adelaide from there and you can even see the Yorke peninsula at the horizon.

A last view the other way, into the hills where we'd like to settle down somewhere.