Saturday, May 3, 2014

Home sweet home

We decided to drive all through the night. Simone drove all the way and she did great. The rain didn't stop until we hit Koln. Most depressing that was...

We arrived home at 5:30. The birds were just waking up while we emptied the car. We slept till noon and then did nothing.

Untill in the evening. I baked pancakes for all of us.

Friday, May 2, 2014

Bye bye Italy!

It rained hard all night long and it was still raining during breakfast. We didn't feel like another day of rain so we decided to make one more shopping visit to Lasize and then hit the road 1 day early.

We packed and stuffed the car and after having our tent inspected we left.

It was raining in Lasize as well.

After buying ITALIA jackets for Milan and myself and a bag for Larissa we hit the road and soon we were on our way towards Austria.

And it rained.

It rained all the way to the Frauen parkplatz in Germany.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Visiting Bardolino

The weather forecast looked grim so since the weather was still great we went for a walk up to Bardolino where there was a market. It was a great little walk along the lake.

The water is crystal clear.

Really nice walkway.

Fishies close to the shore.

Lago di Garda. Clouds were coming in...

I had to get in to the lake for a bit of a swim. So as soon as we got home I put my bathers on and went down. I swam for about half an hour. The water wasn't too bad ;-)

When I walked back to our tent it started raining again. And it went on and on and on and on and on and...

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Visiting Sirmione

This morning we visited a little town called Sirmione. It's located at the tip of a small stretch of land pointing in to the Lago do Garda. It looks like a fortress.

Simone and I.

Nice views.

Lago di Garda.

The fortress'marina.

We walked along the water which made for beautiful views.

In the afternoon we went to Peschiera which was nice.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

A day in Venice

The rain stopped over night and a beautiful and sunny day smiled at us! It was a good day to visit Venice.

Below are a series of photos I took while walking around this beautiful city. I reckon it's in my top 5 of favourite cities to visit.

I really liked this poster.

We made our way to San Marco square first.

Then we crossed the big water and visited the island of Murano.

It was a gorgeous day and we left Venice at 20:30, having walked around for nearly 7 hours.

Monday, April 28, 2014

Visiting Verona / Casa di Giulietta

It started raining last night which is a bit crap. But that doesn't stop us! So Simone, her kids, mom and I got in the car and drove to Verona to see the arena and walk around a bit.
We found the arena alright.

Except that inside water was coming down just as much as it was outside. The whole place was a bit of a downer to be honest. You couldn't "feel" any of the history. There were stupid (toilet) signs everywhere and inside the actual arena they had put little fold-out seats everywhere and a mother of a stage. Fair enough, it's used as an opera theatre nowadays but still... Too bad.

And then it was lunch time which meant PIZZA!

It rained all bloody day. At some point a hundred umbrellas passed us...

We visited Casa di Giulietta which is the house where Shakespeare's Juliet is believed to have lived. And that balcony is where Romeo serenaded Juliet. And Simone and I went up there and...

You gotta get up there for a kissie! :-)

This is supposed to be Juliet's living quarters.

Roof view from the house.
