Saturday, February 14, 2009


10:10. I get to work. Nicole dropped me off.

My view for the rest of what was going to be a looooong day. About twice as long as I thought it would.

Around 13:00 I had lunch.

Daal and a samosa. They didn't have any orange juice today.

My colleague Melvin got these flowers from his newly wed wife. He came to pick them up today.

The project I'm working on with 3 other colleagues has been a rough, slow and frustrating ride so far. On Monday we planned a beta period to start at the client. I have to say though that due to the efforts of the team we haven't missed any deadlines yet and that is pretty uncommon. We do put in some massive overtime though. But we deliver on time which is something we can be proud of.

The last bits of configuration were extremely painful. Around 21:30 I thought I could go home soon.

I left close to 22:30. A twelve hour working day, on a weekend. I can hardly believe it myself.

I waited outside for Nicole to pick me up again.

We went to Vili's for some food and now I'm going to bed.

Good night.

Friday, February 13, 2009


Something was wrong during lunch. Too many cars.

I worked till 20:00 or something and then we went to eat somewhere. I had a very nice pizza.

I'm going back to work tomorrow. Bugger.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Late again damnit II

If I skip breakfast at home and have it in town, I can sleep 20 minutes longer which makes a BIG difference for me. Hence I got off a bit before my work to hop in to a deli to buy a little packet of cow juice. (You can take the dude out of Holland, but you can't take Holland out of the dude!)

Then I walked to Cibo to get a toasted croissant with ham and cheese. I started work around 8:20.

When I came back from lunch the neighbours had somehow magically set off their fire alarm this time so the firies had to do another use less drive by. Here's truck one.

And here's truck two. There's always two trucks. They might as well send a guy on a bicycle just to turn off the alarm.

Around 16:30 I went out to get a coke. I needed a break knowing that I was only just past half my working time for today. Lots of people were already waiting for the bus to go home.

Around 18:00 I went out to get some dinner. I couldn't focus anymore and needed a break badly. I walked past all these girls and they just kept looking at me. But they were all wearing very thick black eye-liner and i really don't like that. Yuck. I wonder if they are supposed to look sexy or cool or both. I think look trashy, especially the one in the middle with the holes in her jeans. I can't stand jeans with holes. I felt like taking them with me to Mc D.

Mc D. was booming. It's such a happening place.

I ordered a cheese burger plain (only bread+meat+cheese, no sauce), McNuggets with sweet and sour sauce and fries. And a medium coke.

At least it was nice and quiet and I had a good break. The food had lost it's freshness a bit though.

When I walked back I walked through this intriguing little street called "Twin Street". There was clothing shop for big men. It looked nice. Must have a look soon.

There was a side street with more intriguing buildings.

These are the "neglected" sides of buildings.

Before returning to work I also passed this car park entrance. I left work at 20:15 tonight.

This circuit is for Cyber_Tyger. I'm currently figuring out how the capacitors influence stuff.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Late again damnit.

Today I worked from 8:00 till 20:45. It was a frustrating day. Shit was NOT working. I got stuff done in the end, which is good, but it's not enough. Things that should've taken 30 minutes took 4 hours instead. I really don't want to work on the weekend -again-.

Nicole picked me up just before 21:00. I waited outside, It was dark already. And a bit chilly as well. Recent warmth has somehow turned in to very cool weather in 5 days time.

This is the view to the right.

View ahead of me.

View to the left.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Bread head

We worked till 19:00 today. When we came home I went next door to the Pasta Pot. They put Mr. Bread Head with my food.

Apart from that I have no other photos, sorry.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Fire in the hole! Or in the brain maybe...

12:10. The bloody fire alarm goes off. Here's our posse. Dazed and confused we set afoot to the gathering point.

I told them I was going have lunch. I'm not letting a stupid false alarm spoil my precious lunch of course! On the way to the sandwich shop I passed the bell. I felt like ripping it off but it was too high. Yes, my 6'4" didn't cut it this time...

When I came back the fire brigade had arrived. I thought they'd all be in Victoria right now but apparently only the hobby fire brigade is allowed to go interstate.

This is where people who read the building's evacuation plan gather. I think it's about 50% of the people inside the building.

I found our posse and ate my lunch and had a good time in the sun. For 10 minutes. Then we walked back. I don't know why. I think somebody thought we waited long enough and the sheep effect did the rest. Anyway, the fire trucks were gone when we arrived.

I'm now working on this little piece of electronics. I want to set/reset a combination of relays. I want uncontrolled inputs A and B (one of them, they shouldn't be triggered at the same time) to put respective points C and D in a controlled 'state'. When either C or D becomes 'high' I want 'X' to send out one pulse that can be used to set the relays. So basically if point A gets triggered 10 times (5 rail cars driving over the switch) I want point C to become 'high' and stay 'high'. Component 'X' needs to send out one pulse when it's input is set high.

Can anybody tell me what component to use for X?

Thanks :-)

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Adelaide poffertjes

The day started grey and overall stayed that way.

Happy to be able to go out again we had breakfast in town.

Part of that were poffertjes. The lady at the Rundle Street Market makes THE BEST poffertjes of Adelaide, Australia and the world. Even in poffertjes country no. 1; The NL, I did not have poffertjes this good. Well, apart from the ones my mom made sometimes of course :-)

This Rundle Street Market poffertjes lady is also the one and only from the Royal Show in Adelaide. Known there for years she has earned a very good reputation with her poffertjes made with her grandmas traditional recipe.

No other poffertjes seller can match these ones. There are a few other people out there who try making poffertjes but they all got it wrong...

When we came home we went to Woolies for some grocery shopping. We were not the only ones who had waited for the cooler weather to do so.

In the evening we went to Semaphore for fish and chips. Some people are raving about this Greek place called "Sotos" there. I thought it was "OK". I wasn't raving.