Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Inspired by one of my sister's previous blog posts we decided to take photos of the stuff we bought at the supermarket today.

Little yoghurts.

ZERO drinks coz I'm laying off the sugar.

Cow juice, coz I'm Dutch.

Salmon, coz it's healthy and very nice on a piece of (whole meal!) toast.

Feta cheese to be used in the bruschetta.


Whole meal bread.

Tomatoes, also to be used in the bruschetta.

Some crisps because I'm not a saint.


Very well spreadable butter made from olive oil.



Gledwood said...

Don't Aussies drink much cow-juice then? Was the salmon smoked?

Vincent said...

@ Gled: Smoked Atlantic from Tasmania. Aussies don't drink that much milk really...

Anonymous said...

Haha, geweldig! Wat zien die tomaten trouwens groen! Und Knackwurst!

marian said...

arkpleinbij ons zien de tomaten oranje/rood. raar kleurtje hoor!!!

Vincent said...

@ Ilse / ma: Het zijn "Kumato" tomaten. Ze zien een beetje grauw groen maar dat is slechts de kleur. Ze smaken beter dan rooie. Ze zijn ook minder waterig.