Sunday, August 9, 2009

The citrine

The doves scouting the bucket with bird food.

Late morning we drove to Hahndorf. We were on a mission.

A chocolate mission that is.

This cutie came driving past.

And we saw grass sharks!

Nicole bought me a beautiful stone! It's citrine and I am very happy with it.

It was grey but excellent weather to walk around.

In the evening we went to Karin and Gavin. They invited us for a BBQ. Here I am sitting with a friend of theirs, Sue. It was nice meeting her.

Masterchef Gavin operating the barbie.

And yes, my little blog friends. Take note! In this picture, I am eating a king prawn. The 7th EVER IN MY WHOLE LIFE to be exact. I have made more food progress tonight. I am over my disliking of prawns! Well, as long as I don't have to peel them myself that is hehe.


CRAIG said...

I won't that stuff either. I think you've had MORE than me!

marian said...

je eet een garnaal!! je verbaast mij steeds weer.