Monday, November 11, 2013

The broken circle breakdown

OK. Here it comes....

W T F ? !

This man was wearing a raincoat that fitted him like a girl's bathing suit including a string from back to front. It was almost sad to see he was wearing normal pants underneath. Although I should maybe be happy he was... Who makes up shit like this??

In the evening Marjolein and I went to see the movie "Broken circle breakdown". It was drama about a man meeting this girl and they fall madly in love. They get a little baby girl but she gets sick and dies when she's about 6 years old. Both parents find it incredibly hard to deal with and it ruins their relationship. In the end the man ends up like before. No woman, no daughter, just his bluegrass band and his farm but a little older and wiser.

It wasn't fun but it was a great little movie.

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