Sunday, February 2, 2014

The playground

Simone was going to a park with her little boy and his friend and asked if I wanted to come along. which I did very much so. It was fun and surprisingly relaxing even though I was surrounded by tons of (noisy) kids :-)

This picture is from guest blogger Simone who dared me to put a pic on of me holding an Ajax soccer ball. You have to understand that even though I'm really not that much in to soccer, I really do not like Ajax. I mean, seriously, they call themselves sons of the gods. Dudes, get-fucking-real!
Anyways, here's the pic. I am holding the ball. It's a pity my plan to make it disappear in the water failed ;-)

Excuse me while I go wash my hands now. Not because I held the ball, I fixed that with showering 5 times when I got home, but because I just typed "Ajax". Oh eeeeew I did it again! ;-P

And to finally give myself that feeling of also having done something useful this weekend I paid my car a quick visit and relieved it of a bit more LPG-crap.  I also found the PCV (Positive Crankcase Ventilation) port on my carburetor (not in this picture) and of course it's too small for the hose coming from the engine (in this picture). Something else I'm going to need to figure out...


S said...

Waar is de foto van Vin met AJAX bal ????
Stond je zo goed. Helaas bakte je niets van een bal weg schoppen ;-)

Vincent said...

Hahaha, die staat op JOUW telefoon, ik heb 'm niet ;-P

Ik moest een beetje voorzichtig trappen anders had ik 'm het doolhof uitgetrapt he...

S said...

Jajaja geloof je het zelf ????
Ik niet namelijk hahaha
jammer dat ik geen foto kan plaatsen want ik geloof niet dat jij hem plaatst

Vincent said...

Haha, bijdehandje ;-)

Nou, je foto staat er bij hoor. Geniet er van :-)

S said...

Klein kleutertje