Wednesday, November 28, 2007

The holiday

On our way to the airport, arriving at the drop-off.

The drop-off is well arranged already showing you on the outside where the check-in desks are for the respective airlines.

Adelaide airport is very new. It was finished a couple of years ago. It used to be something that came close to a shed. But they are now ranked as the world's second best airport. I must say it is well designed.

All flights on 1 board in the main entry hall.

Christmas also seems to have arrived at the airport.

Nicole was also quite impressed.

You used to walk over the tarmac to and from the aircraft. Now we can all go through the slurfies!

The flight to Perth was uneventfull apart from some turbulence when flying over the Perth hills. Nothing to worry about.

Opposed to all our flights from Europe to Malaysia and Australia, the flight to Perth was luckily a day flight. I really don't like night flights you see.

Birgitte was there to pick us up. She was was rather excited to see us and we were very happy to see her again too!

We walked outside just as Maurice was being kicked off the parking lot by someone who aparently had some authority over parked cars there. Thankfully we were allowed to hop onboard and we soon arrived at their little cottage.

They have a lovely veranda where we first had a drink and exchanged the latest gossip.

In the evening we walked down to the Balmoral pub for a few drinks and some food. I skipped the airplane food as the smell alone makes me vomit almost so I was rather hungry. There was another beautifull jacaranda tree along the way. These beauty's are everywhere almost.

Maurice, Nicole and Birgitte walking down the street.


Anonymous said...

heel mooie foto's, vooral de bloemen en de blauwe boom zijn prachtig, ook een mooie stad om te wonen denk ik.we zijn blij dat jullie er weer zijn op het blog het was maar stil.
groetjes ma en pa.

p.s we moeten een indentiteit hebben, voor het blog, vandaar dat het nu anoniem is.

Vincent said...

@ ma: Bij het schrijven van een comment kan je als het goed is het rondje voor "Nickname" aanklikken en daar je naam invullen. Probeer dat maar eens.