Tuesday, November 20, 2007

The big ass blog entry!

The street that ours comes out onto - Main North Road - is known for it's many carsellers. Cars are incredibly cheap here. A small one is available from AUD 3999. That's about EUR 2666.

On todays trip we first stopped to fill up our car.

The predictions were true for once. We did get rain indeed. It has been raining on and off all day long. Tomorrow it seems we're going to be in for some bad weather with a temperature of max. 20C.

Fuel prices are quite low here I believe. Well, compared to prices in The Netherlands.

Traffic can be crazy...

Crazy indeed.

After dropping unused clothes off at the Salvation army we drove to Rundle mall where I had to hop in and out of Next Byte, the shop where I bought my iMac.

I had to pick up my copy of Parallels. That's software that enables me to run Microsoft Windows (and MS-DOS and Linux and OS/2 etc.) on my iMac.

We then proceeded to the local IKEA. The boys and girls from Sweden have come a long way it seems. We were primarily looking for a new bed but they didn't have anything interesting.

They did have Nicole's favourite herring though! Oh, and also VERY BAD Christmas songs (in English).

After all this hard work we went to Henley beach for lunch. Pictured is the Henley beach jetty.

We bought fish and chips and soon we were making big friends with the locals.

And the local's friends...

We threw chips in the air for them and some were quite capable of catching a chip in mid air!

But inevitably we ran out of chips and the disappointment and disbelief was great...

We also walked up the jetty a bit and sat down watching over the beach for a while. It's a hard life being unemployed.

Also I spotted a few funny licenseplates. This one spells "TERMIN8" (terminate).

Chloe also passed us.

And Jaras, obviously with polish roots.

And finally someone drives around with the message "No shit" for a certain "J". The plate reads "2JNOSHT". Very creative.

Walking into the mall I got one of the biggest shocks in my life. While passing the local cd store I found Andre bloody Rieu staring at me from a cd rack with all his cd's. I wonder now, HOW FAR does one have to move away to never see this dude again? I guess only the moon is safe...

In the Coles supermarket Christmas has also started.

There is always Dutch cheese to be found somewhere.

And now to make some Apple Mac users cry: I have installed Microsoft Windows Vista ON MY IMAC! ;-P Fair enough, this is virtualized, but still!


Anonymous said...

...Andre Rieu...

Vincent said...

... 'k weet 't ...

Anonymous said...

we hebben een opname gezien van andre rieu, in melbourne, nou de aussie's waren helemaal weg van hem, ach ieder z'n smaak toch......
gr ma en pa.

kees said...

Vista op een Mac?!? Installeer dan gelijk ook maar Andre Rieu erop...

Vincent said...

@ ma: Precies, maar 't bleef schrikken ;-)

@ Kees: De integratie is echt heel mooi. Door parallels kunnen beide partijen nu elkaars bestands-systemen lezen. Ik heb een .DRL bestand op m'n mac desktop staan. Dit is een bestand dat wordt herkend door een app geinstalleerd op Vista. Zelfs als Vista niet draait, zorgt parallels er voor dat het icon op de Mac desktop tóch z'n eigen 'plaatje' krijgt. Iets heel klein maar daardoor lopen de twee bijna naadloos in elkaar over. Het performt ook redelijk maar er is nog ruimte voor verbetering merk ik af en toe. Maar goed, Leopard, Vista en parallels 3.0 zijn alledrie nog wel heel erg vers natuurlijk...

Friðvin said...

Unfortunately in the States we aren't allowed to get too "creative" with our car tags. Once in awhile one is creative enough that the authorities in charge don't get the joke, but then if a driver sees it and finds it offensive, I think it can be reported and revoked.


Vincent said...

@ Kona: In The Netherlands you're not allowed to have any at all! I heard more stories on unappreciated jokes in the states, it's gotten a bit too serious overthere eh?