Saturday, October 11, 2008

Bunnings saves the day (again)

Seven bloody AM this morning. The Christmas eve crash-house was cleaned up. VERY noisy and my much needed sleep was ended abruptly. Not happy.

We received a letter from my aunty Kitty. Pleasant surprise. It was a good read although sometimes hard to decipher.

The car needed a wash badly so we took it down to the car wash.

Supermarket afterwards.

Tony was mounting a new range hood (cooking fan for above the stove). He needed some flexible duct pipe for this and claimed to have been to every hardware store and nobody had it. When asked if he went to Bunnings he gave us his standard answer "Nah, Bunnings is shit". So I called up my friends at Bunnings and they told me they had the duct pipe. A lot of other people were at Bunnings.

Tony was happy with the duct pipe so I made sure to let him know where I got it from *grin*

Today was a warm day. It's promising. I think it reached 29C today.


marian said...

wat leuk een brief van tante, zijn nu in het koningkrijk Buthan, vicky heeft een beste smak gemaakt, veel beterschap voor haar!!

Anonymous said...

Mijn vorige berichtje miste wat letters, dus die heb ik even verwijderd. Ik ga het nu opnieuw proberen:

Leuk dat jullie een brief van Tante Kitty hebben ontvangen. Gaaf dat ze dat doet:-)

Jammer dat je niet op je fiets naar het werk kunt. Even goed trainen, dan lukt het je binnenkort vast wel!