Friday, October 10, 2008

The Great Ocean Road, part 2.

Near Mt. Gambier there is a lake, created by a volcanic eruption about 4800 years ago. Every November, the water turns bright blue. In our photo's it's not quite as blue as it gets.

Left side view.

Right side view.

So the lake is really a crater. (Click photo for much bigger picture)

Water is now coming in through layers of rock, also fed through a sink hole. (Click photo for much bigger picture)

Read more about this magnificent lake on Wikipedia.

We also saw a few large wind mill parks creating beautiful environment friendly energy.

When entering the state of South Australia, you are kindly asked to leave all your fruit and other potentially dangerous organic matter behind in the designated bin. They do this to prevent from certain fruit flies etc.

After getting rid of one whopper of an orange, we drove on.

Passing Canola fields...

And vineyards.

We stopped almost every 200 kilometres to fill up the tank. Not that it was empty, but just to make sure we wouldn't run out of petrol. Never know how long you'll be without petrol pump in this country. I also cleaned the windshield at these occasions. There were a LOT of insects...

And then we drove on again until we arrived at our little castle again. It's good to be home.

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