There was a poker tournament at my work. Rolf "Ace" Slotboom, a famous Dutch professional poker player was organizing the event. There were 37 players spread over four tables.

My table with Rolf as the dealer. I had a crappy seat right next to him and the table was very full so I couldn't see too well.

The table where one of the directors is dealing.

The table where Elvira, another professional poker player and I -think- Rolfs girlfriend is dealing.

I was kicked out by a player holding Kx against my QQ. I went all in and had all the odds but he got another K on the river so I lost. I got to leave work an hour early which was nice. The sub was covered in snow while I waited for the ferry back. It was strangely quiet before all hell would break loose a few hours later.

I walked home first to drop off stuff and later walked in to town past the American Hotel fountain.

I met friends for dinner at a Thai restaurant. Here are Gerrit, Mic and Nantko. Mic isn't really deranged, he just acts like it... I wish he'd keep his hands above the table in photos *grin*

Nantko, Danny, Torsten, Renate and Marjolein. Kees was sitting between me and Marjolein but he's not pictured.


By the time we walked to the pub, Rembrandt square had started filling up.

10 past midnight. People get on the streets to see the fireworks.

Which are always very good.

Somehow many people seem to be able to get their hands on professional stuff which I don't mind.

We always share the sidewalk with people from the gay bar next door. Very happy people :-)

I went for a quick walk around the block with Mic. But they had organised something on Rembrandt square and there was tons of coppers so it wasn't very adventurous like previous years. Amsterdam seems to be getting a little bit more boring every year. Thanks city council!

Laser light.

Nantko and Alex back in Mulligans.

Dick and Gerrit.

View towards the back around 2:30 just before they announced the last round.