Sunday, April 12, 2009

The river trip

We drove down to the river today for a quick visit. Along the way the result of a long and extremely warm summer was noticeable.

Everything was dried up and brown.

We drove through little downs with merely more than a pub.

The river was beautiful and peaceful.

But it's dying fast. The water level used to be 30 cm under the floor of the jetti 7 years ago. The water level has actually gone down more than 50cm in the last year alone. It's being sucked dry by industries upstream producing shit that's non-native to Australia in places that obviously don't have enough water by themselves.

Enjoy it while it lasts my friends...

Adelaide also uses water from the Murray as a source of drinking water. It's very clever. Adelaide is right next to the ocean, but instead of desalinating and using that water they created a pipeline kilometres long...

At least our reservoirs are reasonably well filled.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ja, die lange pijpleiding kan ik mij nog goed herinneren. Over landschapvervuiling gesproken.
Zonde dat de rivier langzaam opdroogd.