Saturday, June 13, 2009

The stupid intersection

I went to pick up Nicole from work.

As I waited outside in the car it started to rain really hard.

We had a bit of a panic at this intersection. I turned right, according to the red arrow and then encountered another red traffic light (red circle). As we were unsure whether or not to continue I stopped the car at the imaginary stop-line (blue) and waited for the red light to turn green.

Google Street view is showing no "no right turn" sign from where I turned. Also the dotted line guides you around the corner. Furthermore there were right-turn arrows in my turning lane where the arrow had a 90 degree angle. So my manoeuvre must've been legal.

I probably looked pretty stupid and stopping your car on a main road like that is actually an offence. Luckily there was no one behind me. :-/

We drove down to Henley for a bite.

The water was very high. Actually I had never seen it this high here. When we left it was dark and the water was actually washing against the promenade!

We went to Evida. It was nice and warm and we met an old friend of Nicole, Jenny.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nou... van dat kruispunt begrijp ik even niet veel, maar ach... soms moet je zo raar rijden op kruispunten. Wacht maar tot je ooit in Den Bosch rijd bij een bepaald kruispunt, zo'n onlogisch ding, hoe konden ze het ooit verzinnen.