Monday, February 28, 2011

The trains

I went to see the shrink in the afternoon. It's a lot more constructive and speedier than the previous one I think.

In the evening I had a wonderful dinner with Mic and his family. Here's Mickey holding Noortje.


Gledwood said...

Vincent I don't get what you mean. You went to a psychiatrist and "it's a lot more constructive and speedier"... what does that mean?

I love trains btw.

And you know I'm seeing a shrink. Diagnosis is chez moi but I don't want to keep saying "that word" I hate it!

Vincent said...

@ Gleds: Actually it's a psychologist, not a psychiatrist. He works and thinks faster than my previous one. he's more "with the programme" if you know what I mean. After 2 sessions he already has a bit of an idea what might be the problem. The other one didn't have a clue after 7 sessions...

Gledwood said...

ah! that's good

my problem with counselling has been the time limits. not 50 minute sessions but 20 sessions or 2 years (100 sessions)... i need something way longer term than that. now at last i might finally get it. i'm not 100% against it for myself but it has been wheeled out as a knee-jerk response and when i say stuff like "doesn't it normally make you feel worse" they reluctantly admit yes.

worse as in temporarily worse which wouldn't probably be an issue if you're well enough to keep a job but in severe paralysing depression it's not necessarily a good move to have counselling until the "episode" is over, y'know

the great thing about non-medical shit i found is that you can say what you like and they can't use it against you

you know it took me nearly TWENTY YEARS from first symptoms (though they actually go back to childhood which is a long story) but from first adult symptoms to diagnosis was not far short of TWENTY YEARS. An absolute mess had to occur before anyone really listened. Finally I feel they are at least on course with the listening part and FINALLY take me seriously. At last!

Good luck. Hopefully you won't need it but I'll say that anyway

Vincent said...

@ Gleds: Thank you mate. We can all use a bit of luck every now and again. I wish you a shit load of luck too mate :-) I'm glad to read that you feel you are being taken seriously now and that people are listening. It would be great if someone could really help you :-)
All the best!