Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The air gun

Colleague Geert brought an air-gun to work. It's funny! It's got the size of a bucket...

... You pull the plastic back and let go. A very concentrated blob of air is being shot from the front and it hits people sitting 10 metres away and it still moves their hair! To get shot at feels very funny. It's weird!

My lights arrived today already. I ordered them with a voucher I was given from my energy company. I'm switching to a greener and cheaper company so I figured I'd better use it quickly ;-)

I also bought this battery charger to be able to charge the batter from the camera I found 1.5 years ago.

My new lights are working fine as well.


marian said...

gezellige lampjes!!

Gledwood said...

the wonders of technology... wow!