Saturday, April 30, 2011

The Queens day bicycle ride.

Check out the hood above the door. It's windows from a boat that they have "re-used". Clever I must admit :-)

Today is Queens day. On this day, a shit load of people from outside of Amsterdam come here to party. And to vomit. And pee. And spit. And leave an amount of rubbish that takes days to be cleaned up by shifts working 24 hours a day total... I've enjoyed it many years and this year I just didn't want anything to do with it. For some reason I am totally fed-up with seeing drunk people messing up the city I live in.
So I went to Marjolein and we cycled in to the dunes.

We saw birds.

And dunes.

A small lake.

A little bird-spotting house next to the lake.

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The best animal we saw today was a blind-worm. Absolutely beautiful animal. It's actually a kind of lizard!

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Then we came across a castle! And because it was queens day there were hardly any other visitors. Great opportunity to see this place. It is castle Brederode.

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Some crazy woman was waving to me while I took a picture... ;-)

View from one of the remaining rooms. It's surprising how well restored this building is. You can get a really good feel of what it must've looked like.

The last animals we saw were these Canadian Geese with 4 little ones.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's more like holiday then being unable to move in the city, clever! Lovely photoes, thanx for sharing!
Gr Vicky x