Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Music on the work floor

This is tea. I drink this while listening to some nice classical music tonight.

I had a rough day at work. 2 colleagues keep demanding I do not play any music at all. They claim they can't work with music. They demand total and complete musical silence for themselves, from me.

The silence drives me nuts. All I hear is sniffing, chewing and chair cracking from them which makes it hard for me to focus. I need music to obscure those sounds. The music creates a background for me to work against but they fail to understand.

So I have headphones on a lot of the time which lets me work but gives me the feeling I might as well have my desk in a closet. Cut-off from people. But I do this 4 days a week to keep the peace.

So today the other colleague who sometimes plays music himself using headphones started demanding I never ever play music out loud again.

Now THAT, shits me!

So I refused.

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