Thursday, November 29, 2012

The crane ship

This morning when I arrived at work I noticed the crane ship was lifted out of the water a little.

A little higher towards the end of the morning.


Mid afternoon.

And it was all the way up when I went home again.

Pretty awesome structure. It's actually delivered at it's destination by another ship that it sits on. Then the ship lowers and the crane ship maneuvers it's self in place.


Gledwood said...

O wow more cranes... why DO? they lift up boats like that?... that IS a boat?... yeah?? why the hell is it mid-air?

ps have you ever seen one of those famous Dutch floating houses... you know the ones where when there's a flood the entire thing lifts up on a green platform of fake grass and just bobs about for a while on the end of a long chain and hopefully doesn't settle down in the main road after the waters subside...

ps did you hear the story of the pet goldfish that escaped in a British flood and was found 1/2 a mile away in a puddle in a football pitch? TRUE!!

Vincent said...

Hey Gleds! I dunno why they had to lift the crane. As a matter of fact it was still in the air friday afternoon... It is in fact a ship yes, it floats and it can maneuver itself about the place!

Are you talking about house boats? I have them infront of my house here ;-)

Didn't hear the story about the fish. Sounds too good to be true ;)