Saturday, December 1, 2012

The Big Lebowski

In my neighbourhood there is this place where people in psychological need can get some help, or treatment if you want to call it that way. It's not a mental hospital but a place where you go see your shrink. It's a bit funny that they put art on the front that immediately makes you think of somebody jumping off a building. Personally I think it's stupid...

However, on the building I saw this explanation. Sure, it makes sense, but I still think it's stupid.

In the evening I watched The Big Lebowski. This is one scene that makes me laugh so much :-)

1 comment:

Gledwood said...

Here you can only see a shrink if you get arrested first.

Or you CAN turn up at the mental hospital in a state of "severe agitation" and they'll 99% certainly turn you away.

On the other hand if you're an inpatient there "severe agitation" (as written up on your psyche notes) means anything that pisses the nurses off enough to make 'em wanna stick you with a big needle dripping with antipsychotics and valium!