Monday, September 1, 2014

The fuses

CAAAAAAAAAAAAKE!!!!!!!! What a way to start the week. I'm ready. Gimme!

I had lunch with Tanja. We enjoyed some sun.

After work I went shopping. Rain clouds were building up.

It made my neighbourhood look lovely.

In the evening I went to my car. The main reason was that I wanted to check the fuses. They all seemed OK. I hoped I would find a broken one which could explain a few electrical things not working...

I also had a closer look at the rubber strips on my door, the ones that keep the water out. Well, they should. Mine are so dried up that they're cracking. They need replacing badly...

Another fun surprise was this hole. I think it's in my cowl vent. Always problem spot numero uno with Mustangs... Probably with most cars from that era. Oh well, I wanted one, now I got one ;-)

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