Wednesday, December 19, 2007

The phone connection

I was stunned early morning by a visit of 2 Telstra men. They drove up in our driveway and as I greeted them and asked what they came to do one of them said (and I had not met him before!) "Are you the guy that came by there on the corner yesterday asking about your phone connection?". So I said "yes" and they told me that they'd fixed us up temporarily about 4 minutes ago and that they dropped by to check the connection. And guess what? It bloody works! it is however a temporarily connection. The number is solid and we can start using it. But the phone-pole is so buggered (due to an experiment from the 70's which was cancelled in the 80's!!!!!) on one side that they're going to have to transfer all the wires to the other side of the pole which remained unused. So the line has a lot of buzz on it but it works. ADSL shouldn't even be bothered by it.

Nic and I have set our minds on hooking up with an ISP called Internode who gave me the impression they are the most progressive ISP around town. We might be hooked up soon!

Late morning the temperature was already 29 degrees Celcius. Un-real. The whole day it was very hot and really humid. I am stinky and sweaty.

We had to drive up to Hahndorf to buy some apples but before we left we first needed to top up the car.

And along the way we got a quote (nothing more than a certain amount of money written on the back of a business card but alas) for having airconditioning build into the car. I was dieing inthere today. For some reason I'm almost always sitting on the "sunny" side and trust me, it gets hot!

The rest of the day we stayed at home doing nothing. We wanted to go to the beach but the weatherbureau gave a very serious "severe storm" warning. of course it never came and we missed out on one spectacular sunset. Some things are just like in the NL...


munchie said...

A year or so ago the weather bureau failed to alert people sufficiently enough that there was a serious thunderstorm coming and they copped a lot of flack for it the next day. I've noticed that ever since then they issue a "stern warning" every time they think there's a 10% chance of lightning.

So yes, we'll now often be expecting the worst, but a glance out the window will usually reveal a beautiful blue sky.

And yes, today was a stinker. Humidity sucks!

Friðvin said...

That is one ugly phone! Are all the phones in Australia that ugly?

It reminds me of the one I was given at work - vintage 1970s technology.

But hey, it works!

kees said...

that phone is so ugly it's beautiful!
spraypaint it red and you could use it in movie about global thermonuclear war...

Anonymous said...

Nou... hier vriest t dat t kraakt. Je kunt bijna schaatsen op de sloten en de eerste echte ijsmarathon is gehouden. Heerlijk, eindelijk is het weer eens een echte winter; vannacht wordt het weer -5 graden, super!

Vincent said...

@ Munchie: That is EXACTLY what happened in the NL 1 year ago too!!! I still think it's stupid though.

@ Kona: Hell no! This is Nic's VERY old phone that we're just using to see if we can get everything to work. We are used to nice small cordless phones. We'll put up a piccie when we get a new one.

@ Kees: Hehe, that's not a bad idea actually but I'm not making a movie...

@ Ilse: Hebben we al elf steden journaal? ;-P Ze zeggen dat we hier een onwijs hete zomer gaan krijgen. Jullie zouden best wel eens een strenge winter kunnen krijgen.

Anonymous said...

Het was hier vandaag prachtig buiten; door de mist van gisteren, waren alle bomen wit aangeslagen en het werd al mooier, naarmate de dag verstreek. Ik heb zelfs een klein beetje sneeuw gehad vanavond, tijdens mijn werk. Morgenochtend zal ik wat mooie foto's op mijn blog zetten. Ook de foto's van mama's thuiskomst zal ik dan plaatsen.