Tuesday, December 18, 2007

R.I.P. little birdie.

A terrible thing happened today. The little bird has died.

This picture was taken in the morning when he was still happy sitting on the fence. He was flying further than ever before and we were ever so happy seeing him. It was a hot day and we hadn't seen his mom for a while so after we came back shopping we made a very undeep plate for him filled with water. It was his first time ever that he saw water but he soon learned how to drink and bathe. It was such a wonderfull thing to see. Untill he kept falling over backwards...

We took him out of the water and noticed he wasn't moving his left wing and leg anymore and he couldn't keep his head up. Eventually we put him in a shoebox-lid where he could rest his head on the edge and we sat next to him for almost an hour watching his every move. Unfortunately he started breathing slower and slower and in the end died after a short wiggle of his little tail and right wing. Eventhough many people will think it was just a bird, we were rather devastated and somewhat emotional after witnessing his progress of the past 4-5 days.

I'm still very sad.

Note: Later I read on the internet that you should never let a baby bird drink water by itself because it easily chokes. I'm still puzzled why it was breathing after we took it out and why he could only use 1 side of his limbs...

We had a drink and cake at the Central Market

Santa was there too and had a rather lovely looking little helper with him who unfortunately managed to make herself invisible...

After the bird-tragedy I wanted to go to the beach. Apart from the fact that it's just really nice to be at the beach I also needed some distraction. Pictured is the jetty where people often fish for crab. In the back you can see rain comming down. Unfortunately it was watering the sea instead of the land.

There were clouds above the land, but no rain. (It did rain a bit in the evening though)

We can all sleep safely now. It appears Buffy (the vampire slayer) lives in Adelaide!

There was a meeting of funny Chrysler owners. Funny plates guaranteed: "ENEMY".


kees said...

Laat de vogeldood niet al te veel invloed op de feestdagen hebben!

Bedankt voor de kaart; ik vond 'm gisteravond in de brievenbus.

Gledwood said...

r.i.p. the poor birdie

Sneezer said...

it seems he may have had a stroke vance. i agree with gledwood, it appeared as if he was already on his way out, regardless of his age.

anyway your intentions were good and little birdie knows that too.

birdie soars with the spirits of eagles

rest assured

Anonymous said...

Als jullie nou een auto kopen, wat zetten jullie dan op jullie nummerplaat?

En sneu dat het vogeltje het niet heeft overleeft. Het zal zich wel niet verslikt hebben, dan was hij sneller doodgegaan, denk ik. Het zal wel de warmte en de snelle afkoeling zijn geweest.

Vincent said...

@ Kees: Feestdagen? Met 25-30 graadjes en de hele dag zon kom je echt niet in de kerststemming hoor!

@ Gled: Ta.

@ Sn33z0r: I really wonder what got to him. I wish I knew a bird specialist I could ask.

@ Ilse: Ik weet niet of we dat doen. Moet het wel een speciale auto voor zijn en dat wordt de eerste zeker niet.

Anonymous said...

Hi Nicole...It's me Tom from Massachusetts. I was so sad sad to hear about the little bird. Nature can do sad things sometimes. That was so nice of you and Vince to help it.

Thanks you for the nice card you sent me.


Vincent said...

@ Tom: Thanks, it was rather sad.

We're glad the card arrived.


Anonymous said...

Erg sneu van die vogel... Lullige dingen zijn dat!

Vincent said...

@ Sebas: Hee man! Leuk om te zien dat je ook wel eens langswappert :-) We zijn al over de schok heen van het vogeltje maar het blijft jammer...

Anonymous said...


You guys have the best blogs. Everything is so interesting with day by day goings on.

Lots of snow here this December. I need warm weather like you guys are having over there. :)

Tom from Massachusetts

Vincent said...

@ Tom: Thank you very much. It's like a diary for us. I already love looking at the first entries and remember those days :-)

In my side bar are a few other diary blogs with photo's. "Ilse's wondere wereld" is my sisters (in Dutch though) and "Sneezer mobile blog" is from a friend and she makes wonderfull pictures that you might like.

Merry Christmas!
