Monday, January 7, 2008

McLaren Vale and the beach

There's a wall close to our house on which someone drew a lot of historical things about Australia and Adelaide in particular. This is a small piece of it showing the building of the railroad and Ned Kelly amongst other things.

"LOUISE" was driving in the opposite direction.

Looks familiar to any Dutch people from Amsterdam maybe? I reckon Ron Blaauw has been here as well...

This is a hotel (that's what they call a pub here = very silly) on a corner in town. The billboard is bigger almost.

Hit it!

We went on a little drive to McLaren Vale today.

McLaren Vale is a little town known for it's vineyards. There are dozens of them there.

We forgot to drink enough so our first stop was for drinkies and lunch which was rather a pleasant event. I got this cider that was really nice.

After lunch we took off to one of the wineries.

They do either of 3 things in this region: horses, wine or wheat.

This beauty was dumped in the fields...

This is an old mechanical grapepress. I love old machinery like this.

This is the view from the winery we visited, very beautiful.

On the way back we drove past Christie's beach.

It looks very different from the beaches up North.

The waves are higher, the sand is nicer and it's SO much cleaner regarding dead seaweed etc.

Salt air made us thirsty so we stopped at the...

Where I ordered a...

Which was quickly grabbed by...... (grrrrrrr)


Anonymous said...

Is het nog steeds zo heet? Die oude wijnpers ziet er gaaf uit, kon je hem niet meenemen als assecoire voor in huis of in de tuin? Kun je er een fonteintje van maken ofzo.

En grote golven hoor, op Christies beach.

Sneezer said...

What a great old grape press. I dig old machinery stuff like that too.

i agree ilse about the beach, it's gorgeous

Vincent said...

@ Ilse: Nee, het lijkt alleen maar heet. Het is al een paar dagen heerlijk weer. Morgen en donderdag schijnt het weer richting 40 te gaan. Dat duurt telkens maar 1 of 2 dagen en dan koelt het weer snel af. Het hangt van de windrichting af en die wijzigt nogal vaak momenteel. Wind uit de woestijn = erg heet.

Anonymous said...

Lucky with the wetter! The country looks beautiful, glad you had a nice day !

Gledwood said...

I like the drawing...

Wow Australia looks more like America than I think I'd imagined...

man the light there is amazing it seems to've come out really well in those pictures... golden sunlight... fantastic <:-]

Vincent said...

@ Gled: It's the brightness of the sun. We don't have that in Europe really except for maybe around the mediterenean areas, Spain, Portugal and the south of France.

It's a wonderful thing to have here though.

And yeah, Australia does look like America a fair bit. Unfortunately the people do as well a bit these days (think of drinking behaviour, intellect). They are like they say, more easy going though.

Gledwood said...

si! muy divertido!!

Gledwood said...

ps GUINNESS: is it the same as in Europe?

Vincent said...

@ Gled: It depends on the pub. Some have imported (from Ireland) and some have Australian brewed Guinness.