Tuesday, January 8, 2008

The uber-cactus

We walked spacey Masey (can you tell which one that is? *grin*) today for more than an hour. He's listening better and better. Because we're not huge fans of the "choker" we bought him a harness today. After some getting used to it worked fine and he seemed to even pull less! We had a very enjoyable walk with him today that made both Mason -and- us a bit tired (not to mention sweaty!) ;-)

Somewhere in the hood is a house with a gigantic cactus in the garden.

It's full with flowers about to open.

Telstra is still at work in the neighbourhood. We're ready to piss our pants of happyness when our internet connection gets here...

Mason decided to have a nap against our door. He seems to love that place. It's nice and cool, in the shade, next to the birds and close to humans, his bestest friends ;-)


Anonymous said...

Nou... Dat Telstra maar snel jullie verbinding gaat maken!

Is dat een soort van tuig dat jullie voor Mason hebben gekocht?

Sneezer said...

Mason is good practice for your kids! "They" say dog owners are healthier for the simple fact that they have to walk their dogs. An hour a day is brilliant. Is he a swimmer?

dont forget to send a photo of the cactus in bloom.

Gledwood said...

Wow that is one MOTHER of a cactus!!

Are you sure that dog is not a New Guinea Baying Hound??

Looks just like one to me...


Anonymous said...

No wonder Mason was so stuffed yesterday after we took him for a run too! I was watering outside and for the 1st time he was too tired to get up off his outside bed ! I thought something was wrong with him but he just over exerted himself :-) Karin

Vincent said...

@ Ilse: Ja, een tuigje inderdaad. Gaat om z'n borstkas heen en dat is lekkerder voor 'm dan een ketting om z'n keel.

@ Sn33Z0r: Did you mean "you" kids maybe? Coz we ain't having any ourselves :-P

We loved walking him, it is good exercise indeed and very relaxing for body AND mind. It's 8:50 now and I reckon we'll walk him again soon. I don't know of a place for him to swim here...

@ Gled: Mason is Shepherd/Staffie aparently...

@ Karin: You may get the same today. We might actually walk him twice. he's making really good progress with walking speed etc.

Gledwood said...

have you heard about them killer ROTTWEILERS in Britain?

I've always found Rotties perfectly personable

but aparently they are eating small children for breakfast these days..!

(no kiddin')

Vincent said...

@ Gled: Yes I did. Sad case. The family here used to have a Rotty so I have experienced the breed. Lovely dog, friendly personality and very smart too. But like all dogs: a bad upbringing creates a bad dog. Besides that, no normal thinking human leaves a baby with a dog alone, right?