Thursday, February 21, 2008

The Bowls

I had a lazy day today. I played World of Warcraft mostly. In this game there is public transport too. And as in the real world, you have to wait for it, sometimes quite long.

And there it is! A beautiful Zeppelin. (It's a phantasy game, alright?!)

I also drove the car again today but as you understand it's kinda hard making pictures of yourself like that. Anyway, it went well. This time Nicole got away without any new injuries ;-)

In the evening I went to play Bowls with Richard, Daryl and Tony. They kindly invited me into their team and after tonight I decided I'm going to stay because it's a lot of fun :-)

Bowls (full name "lawn bowls") is kinda like jeu de boule but with funny balls that roll in a curve. The team with the ball closest to the "Jack" wins. The number of points for that team is the amount of balls they have closer to the jack than the closest one of the other team.

So, in this picture, the blue team has 2 points because it has 2 balls closer then the black teams closest.


Sneezer said...

what a funny w.o.w. character. is it a magical bird made of wood?

i wish i could get a zeppelin out of here, but i am still waiting.

Anonymous said...

Oh, het is met een O... Bowl. Ik maak er steeds lawn ball van... Ik heb weer wat geleerd vandaag.

Leuk om blogs te lezen als je met een lekkere verkoudheid thuis ligt.

Vincent said...

@ Sn33z0r: It's a Tauren but he's sitting down with his arms in his lap and legs straight forward...

@ Ilse: Beterschap!